

Thursday, 19 July 2012

Eating Healthy

From the Top of the pyramid , it must be eaten so often due to its sweetness and saltiness that may give problem to our body system such like liver disease,  heart problem or even obesity. 

List of food that are in this categories :
Sugary stuff: such like soft drinks
Solution: for soft drinks , it can be replace by carbonated water or freshly squeeze fruits juice or even better lime juice which can cure throat.

Fried Food :such like KFC chicken ,

This food should be avoid from because they may have contain high saturated fat which is difficult to burn it off. If you like eating this food , why not changing them into steam chicken , vegetable sandwiches and mashed potato.

The 2nd row of pyramid from the top ,It can be consume often but not in a high volume because this categories may make a person gain weight faster.

List of food in this categories:

Milk :
Pros:Milk are rich in calcium which can make our bone and teeth strong.
Cons: If milk is a full cream milk it would be very unhealthy, consuming too much of this will cause loss of calcium in our bones.

Solution: Drink milk that are low cream 

Pros: Egg has high in protein which can repair cell rapidly and it can keep your body work stronger

Cons:Egg also have high in cholesterol and can cause heart disease if over-consumed.

Solution : Recommended 2 egg a day only no more than that. Taking just the egg white is healthier 

3rd tow of pyramid : Healthy Choice
In this row all of this are healthy type of food that can be consume almost everyday, because they are low in salt and sugars.

List of this categories : Spinach , Lettuce ,Cabbage ,Watermelon
This few fruits and vegetable can be able to be eaten at 1 time by mixing them and making a mix fruit salad out of it

4th row of pyramid : Better choice

In this categories , they can be eaten everyday too, but they can be changed into something more better  such like eating whole-meal bread which made of oat , wheat and barley, black rice which has high in nutritiously that are good for our kidney, stomach and liver. It can also prevent diabetes ,heart disease and heart attack.


NP ICT IT01 Group one(Zhoulin) said...

i like the black rice , it is healthy

Donald Ng said...

Hey zhoulin ,you have to get used to black rice because at the first time you eat, you may find it awful, just a few more time of eating black rice you will love it alot

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