

Saturday, 28 July 2012

Manage your calorie intake.

Today i am going to talk about ways for you to manage your calories. Firstly, you may ask why do you need to manage your calorie intake. The answer is too many will cause you too gain body fat, too much calorie means that your body is storing up too many sugar, fats and carbohydrates. Calories can be cut down by exercising regularly.

Ways you can manage your calorie intake:

1. Plan
 - Everyday determine the calorie you want to take in a day. Then after that divide your calorie intake throughout all the meals you are going to take so that you know how much too take for a certain time E.g. lunch. Once you do this you can make adjustments too your daily intake too match with the body you want to have.

2. Exercise
 - Once you know that you have exceeded your plan in calorie intake. You should exercise to burn off those extra calorie you took. When you do this you can manage your calorie intake effectively and produce the body you want faster. But also if you know that you have taken your calorie at a good level you can choose to reward yourself and eat something nice but you might gain a bit of calorie but is still not so much of effect.

3 Know what your eating
 - When you eat learn to take a look at how much calorie your food has. When you find something that just exceeds your limits you can just go and find a better alternative with a lower calorie. With this you can plan your calorie intake as you know what your eating and you can change your routines to how you want it.

4. Video explanation on how to determine calorie intake to burn fat.

Done by: Joshua Robert


Anonymous said...

Now i know why my friends keep talking about how calorie is important thanks!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you Joshua Robert how i understand how is calorie is important for me :)

Joshua[Admin] said...

Thank you for your support. Do comment on the blog for more things about healthcare you want us to post.

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